It is only February, but 2015 is already proving to be an incredible year.  We have broken all sorts of cold temperature records, but the light is shining bright in worldSALON , which on October 6th, 2014, began it’s 25th year in business!  When I tell people this it seems impossible, especially since my mental age is 29.  Running a business for 25 years is a magical concoction of naivety, true passion, hard work, dumb luck and many sleepless nights.  It is not for the faint at heart but the rewards are immeasurable.  So many details of when we first opened are as clear in my mind as the day they happened.  One of the best features has to be – all the people that I have had the opportunity to teach and learn from – so full of gratitude for this!

In November, 2014, worldSALON won the “Now Magazine Readers Poll” for Best Salon in Toronto – which puts us into a small group of superlative businesses in the city and completely blew our socks off.  It truly was a team effort and interestingly our clients are just as proud as we are, sharing an ownership stake in the award, since they engaged and voted for us!  What a great way to help build a dedicated clientele and boost staff morale! If you have a salon, make it a priority this year – enter the Best of Toronto Poll.  Watch Now Magazine for details in July.

On February 18th, I received Environmental Defence’s Green Champion Award at the 30th Anniversary Gala, held this year at the new Regent Park Spectrum Theatre.  It was absolutely surreal and truly one of the proudest moments of my life.  Our premier, Kathleen Wynne, was in attendance (I got to meet her)  and four Ontario Ministers, including Minister of the Environment and Climate Change – Glen Murray (who I also met).  During the delicious, locally sourced meal with my family around for support, stomach churning periodically, I became aware of the three hundred or so people in the audience; a smart, passionate and principled group, working hard to make Canada a healthier place.  It made the experience even more humbling.  My speech was well rehearsed.  I focussed on my intention – to clearly convey what a privilege it is to play a small part in the important work that Environmental Defence does.  I am proud to be a cabinet member on the Just Beautiful Campaign which for the last five years has educated Canadians about toxics in personal care products.  I will continue to get the word out about healthier living options and look forward to any suggestions you may have.

Now for the spring and beyond!  Job one is the re-launch of WORLD – – formerly worldPRODUCTS.  Initially launched in 2001 and perfected in the salon, we have maintained a limited distribution network until now!  We are ready to release the line to the “world” through like-minded salons.  The re-branding is almost complete, with a new logo (see above), new pristine packaging, and a stunning  – WORLD Brand Brochure.  Our most recent re-formulations have resulted in the best performance yet of the line and the products are now gluten free, palm oil free and biodegradable.  WORLDTV, our new info channel, will be launching it’s first three episodes soon with a roster of fantastic guest artists.  worldSALON will also have a new domain – – which will showcase our awards, green initiatives and the work of our talented team.  Look for the WORLD launches sometime in May – when the tulips are peaking!

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